Arrangements for inclusion of accompanying persons in conference dinner and excursions.

We are pleased to inform you that we have prepared arrangements for inclusion of accompanying persons in conference dinner and excursions. Unfortunately, we would not be able to collect any fees at the registration desk, so unlike previous CAA events payments for accompanying persons would have to go through the registration system. Fortunately, we were able to simplify the whole process to few simple steps. Bear in mind that conference events and excursions have limited numbers of participants, so do not wait for the last moment to include your accompanying persons!


Accompanying persons would not need to create an account in the payment system, we would do this for them (no ocs or CAA accounts would be necessary, just our university payment system). However, this would involve some e-mail exchanges.

The registration process step-by-step:

  1. Conference attendees or accompanying persons themselves would have to contact us about the inclusion and sent us an e-mail addresses of the persons in question for further contact.
  2. We would send an e-mail to the accompanying persons with request for some basic data. We would ask for name, surname and email which we will use to create an account in the system. We would also include a copy of consent form based on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is perquisition for activating an account in the system. Finally, we would also include a link to the payment system.
  3. If accompanying persons would consent to use their data for registration process according to GDPR we would create an account in the system and they would receive a confirmation via email. After this, they would be able to log in to their and pay for conference dinner and excursion using bank transfer or credit card (process is the same as with standard registration) They would also be able to get an invoice.

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